Bayesian Extraction of Jet Energy Loss Distributions in Heavy-Ion Collisions

简介: 笔记









import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3 import Uniform, Normal
from scipy.special import gamma
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import optimize
def read_data():   //读取数据
    dat = np.loadtxt("./RAA_2760.txt")
    return dat[:,0],dat[:,1]
pp_x,pp_y = read_data()
gala30x = np.array([
0.047407180540804851462, 0.249923916753160223994,
0.614833454392768284613, 1.143195825666100798284,
1.836454554622572291486, 2.69652187455721519578,
3.72581450777950894932, 4.92729376584988240966,
6.304515590965074522826, 7.861693293370260468756,
9.603775985479262079849, 11.5365465979561397008,
13.6667446930642362949, 16.00222118898106625462,
18.55213484014315012403, 21.32720432178312892793,
24.34003576453269340098, 27.60555479678096102758,
31.14158670111123581829, 34.96965200824906954359,
39.11608494906788912192, 43.61365290848482780666,
48.50398616380420042732, 53.84138540650750561747,
59.69912185923549547712, 66.18061779443848965169,
73.44123859555988223951, 81.73681050672768572223,
91.5564665225368382555, 104.1575244310588945118
gala30w = np.array([
0.121677895367261782329, 0.283556882734938525493,
0.446432426678773424704, 0.610532130075812839931,
0.77630347862220587813, 0.944233288641719426021,
1.11484470167521153566, 1.288705432832675646608,
1.466439137624214862, 1.64873949785431911827,
1.83638767787041103674, 2.03027425167718247131,
2.23142718244322451682, 2.44104811309112149776,
2.66056024337508997273, 2.89167264137737623469,
3.13646833382438459, 3.3975275957906408941,
3.67810472956067256012, 3.9823886239009637486,
4.315899244899456113557, 4.686114009126298021,
5.1035026514834184093, 5.58333298168755125349,
6.1490444086574353235, 6.8391305457947582711,
7.7229478770061872416, 8.9437424683710389523,
10.87187293837791147282, 15.026111628122932986
class RAA2ELoss():    
    def __init__(self,RAA_fname,pp_pt=None,pp_spectra=None):
        self.with_ppdata = False
        if not(pp_pt is None or pp_spectra is None):
            self.pp_fit = interp1d(pp_pt,pp_spectra,fill_value="extrapolate")
            self.with_ppdata = True
        RAA_data = np.loadtxt(RAA_fname)
        self.RAA_x = RAA_data[:,0]
        self.RAA_xerr = RAA_data[:,1]
        self.RAA_y = RAA_data[:,2]
        self.RAA_yerr = RAA_data[:,3]
    def mean_ptloss(self, pt, b, c):
        return b*pt**c*np.log(pt)
    def model(self):
        with pm.Model() as basic_model:
            a = Uniform('a', lower=0, upper=10)
            b = Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10)
            c = Uniform('c', lower=0, upper=1)
            intg_res = np.zeros_like(self.RAA_x)
            for i, x in enumerate(gala30x):
                scale_fct = self.RAA_x / gala30x[-1]
                x = x * scale_fct
                shifted_pt = self.RAA_x + x
                mean_dpt = self.mean_ptloss(shifted_pt, b, c)
                alpha = a
                beta = a / mean_dpt
                pdpt = (beta**(alpha) / (alpha)) * np.exp(-beta*x) * x**(alpha-1)
                intg_res += scale_fct*gala30w[i]*pdpt*self.pp_fit(shifted_pt)
            mu = intg_res / self.pp_fit(self.RAA_x)
            likelihood_y = Normal('likelihood_y', mu=mu, observed=self.RAA_y)
            start = pm.find_MAP(fmin=optimize.fmin_powell)
            step = pm.Metropolis()
            trace = pm.sample(1200,start=start,step=step)

ps: 代码和数据参考github,他上面的pymc的版本是1,如果使用pymc3的话将会报错。




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