Compared with traditional financial products,the big advantage of digital coin contract trading system lies in its simplicity and convenience,clear yield√,and open and transparent trading√.Price√,rise√fall,etc
All the quotations come from Reuters,and all the investors can have fair access to this information to avoid some products or markets being manipulated artificially.
1)Method of deposit
Charge:charge√coins through the wallet address;
C2C:purchase through C2C transaction to meet the demand of the platform for issuing currency;
Otc:purchase through OTC transactions,and the platform does not need to take the COIN floating risk√insurance.
2)Contract model design
Method of delivery√exchange:market price delivery√exchange,planned delivery√exchange
Settlement time setting:1min,2min,3min,4min,5min,self deployment and calculation time
Trading direction:call option,put option
Transaction control:flexible and convenient setting of transaction times,transaction quota,increasing gradient of odds and bet amount
3)Risk control
Limit on purchase quota:prevent large-scale loss of the platform
Set the deadline for order placement:ensure enough liquidation time for lottery
Set up an increase line and a decrease line:trigger the clearing of odds to prevent unilateral transactions and large-scale losses of the platform
Manual reset of odds button:the platform can manually reset the odds in an emergency to ensure the benefits of the platform
Manual recovery of odds button:after unilateral transaction,the platform can recover odds to ensure the acquisition of platform benefits
How to build a blockchain exchange?
1.First of all,the blockchain combines a variety of technologies including computing,economics,cryptography,etc.,and takes these disciplines as the basis of the blockchain.
2.Secondly,combine the blockchain with the corresponding network,and then use mathematical knowledge to establish blockchain relationships.Make the blockchain a system that can run independently.
3.The blockchain trading system has changed from the original single central system control to flexible social circulation,so that resources in any field can be circulated here,improving the work efficiency.
4.Blockchain digital assets are built on various network platforms.These platforms involve multiple asset fields,including issuers,traders,exchanges,circulation channels and other institutions.
区块链技术整合了密码学、点对点网络、共识机制、智能合约等基础技术元素,形成了一种新的数据记录、传递、储存与呈现的方式,在技术层面构建了无需信任、多方协作的去中心化基础设施。这一特点使得Web 2.0中心化结构中用于管理和监控数据交易的可信第三方变得冗余,也是实现Web 3.0开放、无需信任和无需许可三大主要特点的重要基石。