PolarDB 开源版 通过rdkit 支撑生物、化学分子结构数据存储与计算、分析

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB
简介: PolarDB 的云原生存算分离架构, 具备低廉的数据存储、高效扩展弹性、高速多机并行计算能力、高速数据搜索和处理; PolarDB与计算算法结合, 将实现双剑合璧, 推动业务数据的价值产出, 将数据变成生产力. 本文将介绍PolarDB 开源版 通过rdkit 支撑生物、化学分子结构数据存储与计算、分析


PolarDB 的云原生存算分离架构, 具备低廉的数据存储、高效扩展弹性、高速多机并行计算能力、高速数据搜索和处理; PolarDB与计算算法结合, 将实现双剑合璧, 推动业务数据的价值产出, 将数据变成生产力.

本文将介绍PolarDB 开源版 通过rdkit 支撑生物、化学分子结构数据存储与计算、分析

测试环境为macOS+docker, PolarDB部署请参考下文:

rdkit 介绍

分子具有连接、分形、图、组合的特征, 低级生命组成高级生命, 众多高级生命组成社会, 众多低维生物通过分形组成高维生物.


  • Business-friendly BSD license
  • Core data structures and algorithms in C++
  • Python 3.x wrappers generated using Boost.Python
  • Java and C# wrappers generated with SWIG
  • 2D and 3D molecular operations
  • Descriptor generation for machine learning
  • Molecular database cartridge for PostgreSQL
  • Cheminformatics nodes for KNIME (distributed from the KNIME community site: https://www.knime.com/rdkit)

PolarDB 通过rdkit插件实现生物、化学分子结构数据存储与计算、分析. (相似搜索、子结构或精确匹配搜索、分子比较等)



postgres=#  \dT  
        List of data types  
 Schema |   Name    | Description   
 public | bfp       | a bit vector fingerprint   
 public | _internal |   
 public | mol       | an rdkit molecule.  
 public | qmol      | an rdkit molecule containing query features  
 public | reaction  |   
 public | sfp       | a sparse count vector fingerprint   
(6 rows)  


postgres=# \do+  
                                            List of operators  
 Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type |   Result type    |        Function        | Description   
 public | #    | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | public.dice_sml_op     |   
 public | #    | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | public.dice_sml_op     |   
 public | %    | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | public.tanimoto_sml_op |   
 public | %    | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | public.tanimoto_sml_op |   
 public | <    | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_lt                 |   
 public | <    | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_lt                 |   
 public | <    | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_lt                 |   
 public | <#>  | bfp           | bfp            | double precision | dice_dist              |   
 public | <%>  | bfp           | bfp            | double precision | tanimoto_dist          |   
 public | <=   | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_le                 |   
 public | <=   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_le                 |   
 public | <=   | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_le                 |   
 public | <>   | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_ne                 |   
 public | <>   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_ne                 |   
 public | <>   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | reaction_ne            |   
 public | <>   | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_ne                 |   
 public | <@   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | public.rsubstruct      |   
 public | <@   | qmol          | mol            | boolean          | public.rsubstruct      |   
 public | <@   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | public.rsubstruct      |   
 public | =    | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_eq                 |   
 public | =    | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_eq                 |   
 public | =    | reaction      | reaction       | -                | -                      |   
 public | =    | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_eq                 |   
 public | >    | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_gt                 |   
 public | >    | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_gt                 |   
 public | >    | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_gt                 |   
 public | >=   | bfp           | bfp            | boolean          | bfp_ge                 |   
 public | >=   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_ge                 |   
 public | >=   | sfp           | sfp            | boolean          | sfp_ge                 |   
 public | ?<   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | rsubstructfp           |   
 public | ?>   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | substructfp            |   
 public | @=   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | mol_eq                 |   
 public | @=   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | reaction_eq            |   
 public | @>   | mol           | mol            | boolean          | public.substruct       |   
 public | @>   | mol           | qmol           | boolean          | public.substruct       |   
 public | @>   | reaction      | reaction       | boolean          | public.substruct       |   
(36 rows)  


postgres=# \df  
                                                                             List of functions  
 Schema |             Name             | Result data type |                                           Argument data types                                            | Type   
 public | add                          | sfp              | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | all_values_gt                | boolean          | sfp, integer                                                                                             | func  
 public | all_values_lt                | boolean          | sfp, integer                                                                                             | func  
 public | atompair_fp                  | sfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | atompairbv_fp                | bfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | avalon_fp                    | bfp              | mol, boolean DEFAULT false, integer DEFAULT 15761407                                                     | func  
 public | bfp_cmp                      | integer          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_eq                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_from_binary_text         | bfp              | bytea                                                                                                    | func  
 public | bfp_ge                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_gt                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_in                       | bfp              | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | bfp_le                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_lt                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_ne                       | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | bfp_out                      | cstring          | bfp                                                                                                      | func  
 public | bfp_to_binary_text           | bytea            | bfp                                                                                                      | func  
 public | dice_dist                    | double precision | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | dice_sml                     | double precision | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | dice_sml                     | double precision | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | dice_sml_op                  | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | dice_sml_op                  | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | featmorgan_fp                | sfp              | mol, integer DEFAULT 2                                                                                   | func  
 public | featmorganbv_fp              | bfp              | mol, integer DEFAULT 2                                                                                   | func  
 public | fmcs                         | text             | mol                                                                                                      | agg  
 public | fmcs                         | text             | text                                                                                                     | agg  
 public | fmcs_mol_transition          | internal         | internal, mol                                                                                            | func  
 public | fmcs_mols                    | text             | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | fmcs_smiles                  | cstring          | cstring, cstring                                                                                         | func  
 public | fmcs_smiles                  | text             | text                                                                                                     | func  
 public | fmcs_smiles                  | text             | text, text                                                                                               | func  
 public | fmcs_smiles_transition       | text             | text, text                                                                                               | func  
 public | gbfp_compress                | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gbfp_consistent              | boolean          | internal, bytea, smallint, oid, internal                                                                 | func  
 public | gbfp_decompress              | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gbfp_distance                | double precision | internal, bytea, smallint, oid                                                                           | func  
 public | gbfp_fetch                   | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gbfp_penalty                 | internal         | internal, internal, internal                                                                             | func  
 public | gbfp_picksplit               | internal         | internal, internal                                                                                       | func  
 public | gbfp_same                    | internal         | internal, internal, internal                                                                             | func  
 public | gbfp_union                   | _internal        | internal, internal                                                                                       | func  
 public | gen_arr                      | integer[]        | normal integer, hot integer                                                                              | func  
 public | gin_bfp_consistent           | boolean          | internal, smallint, bfp, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal                                 | func  
 public | gin_bfp_extract_query        | internal         | bfp, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal                                          | func  
 public | gin_bfp_extract_value        | internal         | bfp, internal                                                                                            | func  
 public | gin_bfp_triconsistent        | boolean          | internal, smallint, bfp, integer, internal, internal, internal                                           | func  
 public | gmol_compress                | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gmol_consistent              | boolean          | bytea, internal, integer                                                                                 | func  
 public | gmol_decompress              | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gmol_penalty                 | internal         | internal, internal, internal                                                                             | func  
 public | gmol_picksplit               | internal         | internal, internal                                                                                       | func  
 public | gmol_same                    | internal         | bytea, bytea, internal                                                                                   | func  
 public | gmol_union                   | integer[]        | bytea, internal                                                                                          | func  
 public | greaction_compress           | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | greaction_consistent         | boolean          | bytea, internal, integer                                                                                 | func  
 public | gsfp_compress                | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gsfp_consistent              | boolean          | bytea, internal, integer                                                                                 | func  
 public | gslfp_compress               | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gslfp_consistent             | boolean          | bytea, internal, integer                                                                                 | func  
 public | gslfp_decompress             | internal         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | gslfp_penalty                | internal         | internal, internal, internal                                                                             | func  
 public | gslfp_picksplit              | internal         | internal, internal                                                                                       | func  
 public | gslfp_same                   | internal         | bytea, bytea, internal                                                                                   | func  
 public | gslfp_union                  | integer[]        | bytea, internal                                                                                          | func  
 public | has_reaction_substructmatch  | SETOF reaction   | queryreaction character, tablename regclass, columnname text                                             | func  
 public | is_valid_ctab                | boolean          | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | is_valid_mol_pkl             | boolean          | bytea                                                                                                    | func  
 public | is_valid_smarts              | boolean          | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | is_valid_smiles              | boolean          | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | layered_fp                   | bfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | maccs_fp                     | bfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_adjust_query_properties  | mol              | mol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring                                                                         | func  
 public | mol_adjust_query_properties  | qmol             | qmol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring                                                                        | func  
 public | mol_amw                      | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi0n                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi0v                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi1n                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi1v                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi2n                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi2v                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi3n                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi3v                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi4n                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_chi4v                    | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_cmp                      | integer          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_eq                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_exactmw                  | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_formula                  | cstring          | mol, boolean DEFAULT false, boolean DEFAULT true                                                         | func  
 public | mol_fractioncsp3             | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_from_ctab                | mol              | cstring, boolean DEFAULT false                                                                           | func  
 public | mol_from_json                | mol              | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | mol_from_pkl                 | mol              | bytea                                                                                                    | func  
 public | mol_from_smiles              | mol              | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | mol_from_smiles              | mol              | text                                                                                                     | func  
 public | mol_ge                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_gt                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_hallkieralpha            | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_hba                      | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_hbd                      | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_in                       | mol              | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | mol_inchi                    | cstring          | mol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring                                                                         | func  
 public | mol_inchikey                 | cstring          | mol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring                                                                         | func  
 public | mol_kappa1                   | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_kappa2                   | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_kappa3                   | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_labuteasa                | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_le                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_logp                     | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_lt                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_murckoscaffold           | mol              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_ne                       | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_nm_hash                  | cstring          | mol, cstring DEFAULT 'AnonymousGraph'::cstring                                                           | func  
 public | mol_numaliphaticcarbocycles  | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numaliphaticheterocycles | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numaliphaticrings        | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numamidebonds            | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numaromaticcarbocycles   | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numaromaticheterocycles  | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numaromaticrings         | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numatoms                 | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numbridgeheadatoms       | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numheavyatoms            | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numheteroatoms           | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numheterocycles          | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numrings                 | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numrotatablebonds        | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numsaturatedcarbocycles  | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numsaturatedheterocycles | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numsaturatedrings        | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_numspiroatoms            | integer          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_out                      | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_phi                      | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_recv                     | mol              | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | mol_send                     | bytea            | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_ctab                  | cstring          | mol, boolean DEFAULT true, boolean DEFAULT false                                                         | func  
 public | mol_to_cxsmarts              | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_cxsmarts              | cstring          | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | mol_to_cxsmiles              | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_json                  | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_json                  | cstring          | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | mol_to_pkl                   | bytea            | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_smarts                | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_smarts                | cstring          | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | mol_to_smiles                | cstring          | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | mol_to_smiles                | cstring          | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | mol_to_svg                   | cstring          | mol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring, integer DEFAULT 250, integer DEFAULT 200, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring  | func  
 public | mol_to_svg                   | cstring          | qmol, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring, integer DEFAULT 250, integer DEFAULT 200, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring | func  
 public | mol_to_v3kctab               | cstring          | mol, boolean DEFAULT true                                                                                | func  
 public | mol_tpsa                     | real             | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | morgan_fp                    | sfp              | mol, integer DEFAULT 2                                                                                   | func  
 public | morganbv_fp                  | bfp              | mol, integer DEFAULT 2                                                                                   | func  
 public | qmol_from_ctab               | qmol             | cstring, boolean DEFAULT false                                                                           | func  
 public | qmol_from_json               | qmol             | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | qmol_from_smarts             | qmol             | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | qmol_from_smiles             | qmol             | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | qmol_in                      | qmol             | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | qmol_out                     | cstring          | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | qmol_recv                    | qmol             | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | qmol_send                    | bytea            | qmol                                                                                                     | func  
 public | rdkit_fp                     | bfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | rdkit_toolkit_version        | text             |                                                                                                          | func  
 public | rdkit_version                | text             |                                                                                                          | func  
 public | reaction_difference_fp       | sfp              | reaction, integer DEFAULT 1                                                                              | func  
 public | reaction_eq                  | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | reaction_from_ctab           | reaction         | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | reaction_from_smarts         | reaction         | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | reaction_from_smiles         | reaction         | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | reaction_in                  | reaction         | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | reaction_ne                  | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | reaction_numagents           | integer          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_numproducts         | integer          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_numreactants        | integer          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_out                 | cstring          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_recv                | reaction         | internal                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_send                | bytea            | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_structural_bfp      | bfp              | reaction, integer DEFAULT 5                                                                              | func  
 public | reaction_to_ctab             | cstring          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_to_smarts           | cstring          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_to_smiles           | cstring          | reaction                                                                                                 | func  
 public | reaction_to_svg              | cstring          | reaction, boolean DEFAULT false, integer DEFAULT 400, integer DEFAULT 200, cstring DEFAULT ''::cstring   | func  
 public | rsubstruct                   | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | rsubstruct                   | boolean          | qmol, mol                                                                                                | func  
 public | rsubstruct                   | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | rsubstruct_chiral            | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | rsubstructfp                 | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | sfp_cmp                      | integer          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_eq                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_ge                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_gt                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_in                       | sfp              | cstring                                                                                                  | func  
 public | sfp_le                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_lt                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_ne                       | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | sfp_out                      | cstring          | sfp                                                                                                      | func  
 public | size                         | integer          | bfp                                                                                                      | func  
 public | substruct                    | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | substruct                    | boolean          | mol, qmol                                                                                                | func  
 public | substruct                    | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | substruct_chiral             | boolean          | mol, mol                                                                                                 | func  
 public | substruct_count              | integer          | mol, mol, boolean DEFAULT true                                                                           | func  
 public | substruct_count              | integer          | mol, qmol, boolean DEFAULT true                                                                          | func  
 public | substruct_count_chiral       | integer          | mol, mol, boolean DEFAULT true                                                                           | func  
 public | substruct_count_chiral       | integer          | mol, qmol, boolean DEFAULT true                                                                          | func  
 public | substructfp                  | boolean          | reaction, reaction                                                                                       | func  
 public | subtract                     | sfp              | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | tanimoto_dist                | double precision | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | tanimoto_sml                 | double precision | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | tanimoto_sml                 | double precision | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | tanimoto_sml_op              | boolean          | bfp, bfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | tanimoto_sml_op              | boolean          | sfp, sfp                                                                                                 | func  
 public | torsion_fp                   | sfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | torsionbv_fp                 | bfp              | mol                                                                                                      | func  
 public | tversky_sml                  | double precision | bfp, bfp, real, real                                                                                     | func  
(213 rows)  


 403 | btree_mol_ops            
 403 | btree_bfp_ops            
 403 | btree_sfp_ops            
 405 | hash_mol_ops             
 405 | hash_bfp_ops             
 405 | hash_sfp_ops             
 783 | gist_mol_ops             
 783 | gist_qmol_ops            
 783 | gist_bfp_ops             
 783 | gist_sfp_ops             
 783 | gist_sfp_low_ops         
 783 | gist_reaction_ops        
2742 | gin_bfp_ops              

部署rdkit on PolarDB


wget https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.69.0/source/boost_1_69_0.tar.bz2    
tar -jxvf boost_1_69_0.tar.bz2    
cd boost_1_69_0    
./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=serialization   
sudo ./b2 --prefix=/usr/local/boost -a install    


sudo yum install -y cairo-devel cairo  


wget https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/freetype-2.12.1.tar.gz  
tar -zxvf freetype-2.12.1.tar.gz  
cd freetype-2.12.1  
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freettype  
make -j 6  
sudo make install  
sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf  
# add  
sudo ldconfig  


wget https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit/archive/refs/tags/Release_2022_09_3.tar.gz  
tar -zxvf Release_2022_09_3.tar.gz   

4.1、Comic_Neue 依赖

## in macOS  
cp Comic_Neue.zip /home/postgres/rdkit-Release_2022_09_3/Code/GraphMol/MolDraw2D  
## in docker  
sudo chown postgres:postgres /home/postgres/rdkit-Release_2022_09_3/Code/GraphMol/MolDraw2D/Comic_Neue.zip  


cd rdkit-Release_2022_09_3  
mkdir build  
cd build  
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local/boost -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/boost/include -DRDK_BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPERS=OFF -DRDK_BUILD_PGSQL=ON -DPostgreSQL_ROOT="/home/postgres/tmp_basedir_polardb_pg_1100_bld" -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY=/usr/local/freettype/lib/libfreetype.so.6 -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/local/freettype/include/freetype2 -DRDK_TEST_MULTITHREADED=OFF -DRDK_BUILD_INCHI_SUPPORT=ON -DRDK_BUILD_AVALON_SUPPORT=ON -DRDK_INSTALL_INTREE=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/rdkit -Wno-dev ..  
// OR  
// cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local/boost -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/boost/include -DRDK_BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPERS=OFF -DRDK_BUILD_PGSQL=ON -DPostgreSQL_ROOT="/home/postgres/tmp_basedir_polardb_pg_1100_bld" -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY=/usr/local/freettype/lib/libfreetype.so.6 -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/local/freettype/include/freetype2 -DRDK_TEST_MULTITHREADED=OFF -DRDK_BUILD_INCHI_SUPPORT=ON -DRDK_BUILD_AVALON_SUPPORT=ON -DRDK_INSTALL_INTREE=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/rdkit -DRDK_BUILD_MOLINTERCHANGE_SUPPORT=OFF -Wno-dev ..  
// 编译时需要联网, cmake的时候需要git clone代码, 期间会下载几个依赖的软件, 如果没有下载成功就多试几次  
// ...  
make -j 6  
// 编译时需要联网, make的时候也需要git clone代码  
sudo make install  


postgres=# create extension rdkit ;  

rdkit 编译选项:

option(RDK_BUILD_SWIG_WRAPPERS "build the SWIG wrappers" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPERS "build the standard python wrappers" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_COMPRESSED_SUPPLIERS "build in support for compressed MolSuppliers" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_INCHI_SUPPORT "build the rdkit inchi wrapper" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_AVALON_SUPPORT "install support for the avalon toolkit. Use the variable AVALONTOOLS_DIR to set the location of the source." OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_PGSQL "build the PostgreSQL cartridge" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_RPATH_SUPPORT "build shared libraries using rpath" OFF)  
option(RDK_PGSQL_STATIC "statically link rdkit libraries into the PostgreSQL cartridge" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_CONTRIB "build the Contrib directory" OFF )  
option(RDK_INSTALL_INTREE "install the rdkit in the source tree (former behavior)" ON )  
option(RDK_INSTALL_DLLS_MSVC "install the rdkit DLLs when using MSVC" OFF)  
option(RDK_INSTALL_STATIC_LIBS "install the rdkit static libraries" ON )  
option(RDK_INSTALL_PYTHON_TESTS "install the rdkit Python tests with the wrappers" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_THREADSAFE_SSS "enable thread-safe substructure searching" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_SLN_SUPPORT "include support for the SLN format" ON )  
option(RDK_TEST_MULTITHREADED "run some tests of multithreading" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_SWIG_JAVA_WRAPPER "build the SWIG JAVA wrappers (does nothing if RDK_BUILD_SWIG_WRAPPERS is not set)" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_SWIG_CSHARP_WRAPPER "build the experimental SWIG C# wrappers (does nothing if RDK_BUILD_SWIG_WRAPPERS is not set)" OFF )  
option(RDK_SWIG_STATIC "statically link rdkit libraries into the SWIG wrappers" ON )  
option(RDK_TEST_MMFF_COMPLIANCE "run MMFF compliance tests (requires tar/gzip)" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_CPP_TESTS "build the c++ tests (disabing can speed up builds" ON)  
option(RDK_USE_FLEXBISON "use flex/bison, if available, to build the SMILES/SMARTS/SLN parsers" OFF)  
option(RDK_TEST_COVERAGE "Use G(L)COV to compute test coverage" OFF)  
option(RDK_USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION "Use the boost serialization library if available" ON)  
option(RDK_USE_BOOST_STACKTRACE "use boost::stacktrace to do more verbose invariant output (linux only)" ON)  
option(RDK_BUILD_TEST_GZIP "Build the gzip'd stream test" OFF)  
option(RDK_OPTIMIZE_POPCNT "Use SSE4.2 popcount instruction while compiling." ON)  
option(RDK_USE_STRICT_ROTOR_DEFINITION "Use the most strict rotatable bond definition" ON)  
option(RDK_BUILD_DESCRIPTORS3D "Build the 3D descriptors calculators, requires Eigen3 to be installed" ON)  
option(RDK_BUILD_FREESASA_SUPPORT "build the rdkit freesasa wrapper" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_COORDGEN_SUPPORT "build the rdkit coordgen wrapper" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_MAEPARSER_SUPPORT "build the rdkit MAE parser wrapper" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_MOLINTERCHANGE_SUPPORT "build in support for CommonChem molecule interchange" ON )  
option(RDK_BUILD_YAEHMOP_SUPPORT "build support for the YAeHMOP wrapper" OFF)  
option(RDK_BUILD_XYZ2MOL_SUPPORT "build in support for the RDKit's implementation of xyz2mol (in the DetermineBonds library)" OFF )  
option(RDK_BUILD_STRUCTCHECKER_SUPPORT "build in support for the StructChecker alpha (not recommended, use the MolVS integration instead)" OFF )  
option(RDK_USE_URF "Build support for Florian Flachsenberg's URF library" ON)  
option(RDK_INSTALL_DEV_COMPONENT "install libraries and headers" ON)  
option(RDK_USE_BOOST_REGEX "use boost::regex instead of std::regex (needed for systems with g++-4.8)" OFF)  
option(RDK_USE_BOOST_IOSTREAMS "use boost::iostreams" ON)  
option(RDK_BUILD_MINIMAL_LIB "build the minimal RDKit wrapper (for the JS bindings)" OFF)  
option(RDK_BUILD_CFFI_LIB "build the CFFI wrapper (for use in other programming languges)" OFF)  
option(RDK_BUILD_FUZZ_TARGETS "build the fuzz targets" OFF)  

make installcheck

cd rdkit-Release_2022_09_3/Code/PgSQL/rdkit

[postgres@aa25c5be9681 rdkit]$ USE_PGXS=1 make installcheck
/home/postgres/tmp_basedir_polardb_pg_1100_bld/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/home/postgres/tmp_basedir_polardb_pg_1100_bld/bin'      --dbname=contrib_regression rdkit-91 props btree molgist bfpgist-91 bfpgin sfpgist slfpgist fps reaction  
(using postmaster on, default port)
============== dropping database "contrib_regression" ==============
============== creating database "contrib_regression" ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test rdkit-91                     ... ok
test props                        ... ok
test btree                        ... ok
test molgist                      ... ok
test bfpgist-91                   ... ok
test bfpgin                       ... ok
test sfpgist                      ... ok
test slfpgist                     ... ok
test fps                          ... ok
test reaction                     ... ok

 All 10 tests passed. 

 All 10 tests, 0 tests in ignore, 0 tests in polar ignore. 


阿里云智能数据库产品团队一直致力于不断健全产品体系,提升产品性能,打磨产品功能,从而帮助客户实现更加极致的弹性能力、具备更强的扩展能力、并利用云设施进一步降低企业成本。以云原生+分布式为核心技术抓手,打造以自研的在线事务型(OLTP)数据库Polar DB和在线分析型(OLAP)数据库Analytic DB为代表的新一代企业级云原生数据库产品体系, 结合NoSQL数据库、数据库生态工具、云原生智能化数据库管控平台,为阿里巴巴经济体以及各个行业的企业客户和开发者提供从公共云到混合云再到私有云的完整解决方案,提供基于云基础设施进行数据从处理、到存储、再到计算与分析的一体化解决方案。本节课带你了解阿里云数据库产品家族及特性。
存储 关系型数据库 分布式数据库
SQL JSON 关系型数据库
65 5
关系型数据库 分布式数据库 数据库
PolarDB 开源:推动数据库技术新变革
56 2
关系型数据库 MySQL 分布式数据库
零基础教你用云数据库PolarDB搭建企业网站,完成就送桌面收纳桶,邀请好友完成更有机会获得​小米Watch S3、小米体重称​等诸多好礼!
关系型数据库 MySQL Serverless
探索PolarDB MySQL版:Serverless数据库的灵活性与性能
本文介绍了个人开发者对阿里云PolarDB MySQL版,特别是其Serverless特性的详细评测体验。评测涵盖了产品初体验、性能观测、Serverless特性深度评测及成本效益分析等方面。尽管试用过程中遇到一些小问题,但总体而言,PolarDB MySQL版表现出色,提供了高性能、高可用性和灵活的资源管理,是个人开发者和企业用户的优秀选择。
关系型数据库 MySQL 分布式数据库
PolarDB 与传统数据库的性能对比分析
【8月更文第27天】随着云计算技术的发展,越来越多的企业开始将数据管理和存储迁移到云端。阿里云的 PolarDB 作为一款兼容 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 的关系型数据库服务,提供了高性能、高可用和弹性伸缩的能力。本文将从不同角度对比 PolarDB 与本地部署的传统数据库(如 MySQL、PostgreSQL)在性能上的差异。
153 1
关系型数据库 分布式数据库 数据库
关系型数据库 分布式数据库 数据库
来!跟通义灵码一起参加PolarDB 数据库创新设计赛,突破传统,探索人机协作
无论你是数据库新手,还是技术大咖,通义灵码邀请你参加2024 年全国大学生计算机系统能力大赛 PolarDB 数据库创新设计赛(天池杯),新参赛模式启动,挑战极限!
关系型数据库 MySQL 分布式数据库
PolarDB MySQL数据库场景体验与测评
存储 关系型数据库 分布式数据库
49 1


  • 云原生数据库 PolarDB