Gitbook book.json
1. 简介
配置 GitBook 允许您使用灵活的配置自定义您的书。这些选项在book.json
2. 通用配置
3. 插件配置
配置名 | 描述 |
plugins | 要加载的插件列表 |
pluginsConfig | 插件的配置 |
4. 结构配置
除了root变量之外,您还可以告诉 Gitbook 自述文件、摘要、词汇表、语言的文件名称(而不是使用默认名称,例如。这些文件必须位于您书籍的根目录(或每本语言书籍的根目录)。dir/
5. PDF配置
PDF 输出可以使用以下中的一组选项进行自定义book.json:
6. 简单示例
gitbook 在编译书籍的时候会读取书籍源码顶层目录中的 book.js
或者 book.json
,这里以 book.json
{ // Folders to use for output // Caution: it overrides the value from the command line // It's not advised this option in the book.json "output": null, // Generator to use for building // Caution: it overrides the value from the command line // It's not advised this option in the book.json "generator": "site", // Book metadats (somes are extracted from the README by default) "title": null, "description": null, "isbn": null, // For ebook format, the extension to use for generation (default is detected from output extension) // "epub", "pdf", "mobi" // Caution: it overrides the value from the command line // It's not advised this option in the book.json "extension": null, // Plugins list, can contain "-name" for removing default plugins "plugins": [], // Global configuration for plugins "pluginsConfig": { "fontSettings": { "theme": "sepia", "night" or "white", "family": "serif" or "sans", "size": 1 to 4 } }, // Variables for templating "variables": {}, // Links in template (null: default, false: remove, string: new value) "links": { // Custom links at top of sidebar "sidebar": { "Custom link name": "" }, // Sharing links "sharing": { "google": null, "facebook": null, "twitter": null, "weibo": null, "all": null } }, // Options for PDF generation "pdf": { // Add page numbers to the bottom of every page "pageNumbers": false, // Font size for the fiel content "fontSize": 12, // Paper size for the pdf // Choices are [u’a0’, u’a1’, u’a2’, u’a3’, u’a4’, u’a5’, u’a6’, u’b0’, u’b1’, u’b2’, u’b3’, u’b4’, u’b5’, u’b6’, u’legal’, u’letter’] "paperSize": "a4", // Margin (in pts) // Note: 72 pts equals 1 inch "margin": { "right": 62, "left": 62, "top": 36, "bottom": 36 }, //Header HTML template. Available variables: _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and _SECTION_. "headerTemplate": null, //Footer HTML template. Available variables: _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and _SECTION_. "footerTemplate": null } }
$ gitbook build
$ gitbook serve
是的,虽然这里 book.json
文件非法,但是 gitbook build
<aside> 💡 ConfigurationError: Error with book's configuration: config.isbn is not of a type(s) string </aside>
所以,用户需要自己准备工具来保证 book.json
必须是一个合法的 JSON 文件,并且不能含有非法配置项。
首先,删除注释项,以及空行,如果是在 vim 中,可以执行下面的命令:
:%g/\s*\/\//d :%g/^\s*$/d
然后,使用 python 来检查 book.json 是否合法,同样,在 vim 中执行下面的命令:
:%!python -m json.tool
"pluginsConfig": { "fontSettings": { "theme": "sepia", "night" or "white", "family": "serif" or "sans", "size": 1 to 4 } },
{ "description": null, "extension": null, "generator": "site", "isbn": null, "links": { "sharing": { "all": null, "facebook": null, "google": null, "twitter": null, "weibo": null }, "sidebar": {} }, "output": null, "pdf": { "fontSize": 12, "footerTemplate": null, "headerTemplate": null, "margin": { "bottom": 36, "left": 62, "right": 62, "top": 36 }, "pageNumbers": false, "paperSize": "a4" }, "plugins": [], "title": null, "variables": {} }
$ cat book.json { "author": "zongxun <me@ghostwritten>", "description": "This is a sample book created by gitbook", "extension": null, "generator": "site", "links": { "sharing": { "all": null, "facebook": null, "google": null, "twitter": null, "weibo": null }, "sidebar": { "zongxun's Blog": "" } }, "output": null, "pdf": { "fontSize": 12, "footerTemplate": null, "headerTemplate": null, "margin": { "bottom": 36, "left": 62, "right": 62, "top": 36 }, "pageNumbers": false, "paperSize": "a4" }, "plugins": [], "title": "Git Handbook", "variables": {} }
7. demo
执行gitbook install
会安装 GitBook 依赖插件
gitbook install
{ "title": "Gitbook Docs", "author": "宗勋 - zongxun", "description": "这是一本关于Git、Github、Gitlab、Gitbook、GitOps的书籍", "language": "zh-hans", "links": { "sharing": { "all": null, "facebook": null, "google": null, "twitter": null, "weibo": null }, "sidebar": { "zongxun's Blog": "" } }, "plugins": [ "3-ba", "accordion", "advanced-emoji", "anchor-navigation-ex", "baidu-tongji", "code", "change_girls", "custom-favicon", "donate", "chapter-fold", "edit-link", "flexible-alerts", "github-buttons", "github", "lightbox", "insert-logo", "musicxml", "prism", "pageview-count", "-highlight", "-search", "-lunr", "rss", "search-plus", "splitter", "-sharing", "sharing-plus", "sidebar-style", "theme-comscore", "tbfed-pagefooter" ], "pluginsConfig": { "github": { "url": "" }, "github-buttons": { "buttons": [ { "user": "Ghostwritten", "repo": "gitbook-docs", "type": "star", "count": true, "size": "small" } ] }, "change_girls" : { "time" : 10, "urls" : [ "", "", "" ] }, "chapter-fold":{}, "favicon": "assets/imgs/1_girl.ico", "donate": { "button": "打赏", "alipayText": "支付宝打赏", "wechatText": "微信打赏", "alipay": "", "wechat": "" }, "edit-link": { "base": "", "label": "Edit" }, "prism": { "lang": { "shell": "bash" } }, "tbfed-pagefooter": { "copyright":"Copyright © ghostwritten 浙ICP备2020032454号 2022", "modify_label": "该文件修订时间:", "modify_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }, "baidu-tongji": { "token": "55e7dfe47f4dc1c018d4042fdfa62565" }, "anchor-navigation-ex": { "showLevel": false }, "sidebar-style": { "title": "《Gitbook Docs》", "author": "zongxun" }, "flexible-alerts": { "note": { "label": "Note" }, "tip": { "label": "Tip" }, "warning": { "label": "Warning" }, "danger": { "label": "Danger" } }, "3-ba": { "token": "9ffc0dce8d7079aceab6b0bc18eb626b" }, "insert-logo": { "url": "", "style": "background: none; max-height: 100px; min-height: 100px" }, "rss": { "title": "Gitbook Docs", "description": "This is the best book ever.", "author": "Zong Xun", "site_url": "", "managingEditor": " (Zong Xun)", "webMaster": " (Zong Xun)", "categories": [ "gitbook" ] }, "sharing": { "douban": false, "facebook": true, "google": false, "pocket": false, "qq": false, "qzone": false, "twitter": true, "weibo": false, "all": [ "facebook", "google", "twitter" ] } } }