
简介: MPS影响系统性能,还有一个更加重要的事情,MPS对PCIe系统稳定性也起着决定性的作用。




第一个: Max Payload Size, 简称MPS。这参数决定了TLP传输过程中大小。在接收端,需要使用同样的MPS大小,在发送端不能超过MPS的设置。在协议中可以设定128B-4KB,其中默认是128B。在Device Capabilities寄存器中可以查询MPS的大小。

第二个:Max Read Request Size,简称MRRSMRRS代表最大读数据请求大小,对于MRRS选择,同样有6种:128B,256B,512B,1024B,2048B,4096B. 这个参数也是在Configuration阶段,写入到设备的control寄存器。MRRS可以比MPS大,比如MPS设置为256B,MRRS设置为4KB,通常MRRS大于等于MPS。

在MPS在PCIe整体性能中,有至关重要的作用。随着MPS大小的增加,PCIe传输效率也在不断提升。不过,在x86的机器中,RC端的MPS通常是128B/256B。在ARM CPU中,为了追求高效性能,部分场景也会设置为512B。

在整个PCIe系统中,MPS的大小,跟RC、PCIe Switch、Endpoint都有相互的影响,最终TLP传输的数据大小取决于MPS最小的一个设备。比如下图示例,RC MPS=256B,PCIe Switch MPS=512B,但是EP3 MPS=128B。所以最终数据传输的大小采用的是MPS=128B。

除了MPS影响系统性能,还有一个更加重要的事情,MPS对PCIe系统稳定性也起着决定性的作用。最常见的是,在系统中我们会看到pcie设备出现识别异常的情况,多数情况会看到一个“  Malformed TLP”,比如linux系统中的报错信息:

[ +0.002792] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: AER: Uncorrected (Fatal) error received: id=0020

[ +0.007830] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Uncorrected (Fatal), type=Transaction Layer, id=0008(Receiver ID)

[ +0.011387] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: device [10de:10e5] error status/mask=00040000/00000000

[ +0.008415] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: [18] Malformed TLP (First)

[ +0.006851] pcieport 0000:00:01.0: TLP Header: 20000080 010001ff 00000000 80004430

在PCIe spec中的Error Status Register的定义如下图:

上面linux报错信息中的error status=0x00040000,也即对应Error Status Register中的bit18被置位。



lspci -s 04:00.0 -vvv | grep DevCtl: -C 2

DevCap: MaxPayload 512 bytes, PhantFunc 0, Latency L0s unlimited, L1 unlimited

ExtTag+ AttnBtn- AttnInd- PwrInd- RBE+ FLReset+

DevCtl: Report errors: Correctable- Non-Fatal+ Fatal+ Unsupported-

RlxdOrd+ ExtTag+ PhantFunc- AuxPwr- NoSnoop+ FLReset-

MaxPayload 256 bytes, MaxReadReq 4096 bytes

如果需要修改MPS或者MRRS,需要先找到Device Control Register中MPS和MRRS的位置,如PCIe Spec定义,MPS在bit5-7,MRRS在bit12-14. 同时Device Control Register的offset是0x8h。

比如小编环境中,PCIe Capacity的位置在0x70. 结合Device Control Register的offset是0x8h,我们就可以整体看到MPS和MRRS修改的PCIe配置空间的位置是在0x78h。注意,这个不同的机器和pcie设备中,PCIe Capacity的位置可能有所不同,有些在0x70,也有在0x60的,这个在修改参数的数据一定要关注下自己机器的位置。

用setpci修改MRRS:下面修改的命令,预期结果:把Device Control Register中的bit12-bit14从原始的101b修改成了010b,也就是把MRRS从4KB修改成了512B。

# setpci -s 04:00.0 78.w  


#setpci -s 04:00.0 78.w=2936


# lspci -s 04:00.0 -vvv | grep MaxReadReq

MaxPayload 256 bytes, MaxReadReq512bytes


在linux内核中,MPS/MRRS这两个参数,同样会受到内核pcie_bus_config_types的影响。以linux 5.19内核源码为例,pcie_bus_config_types定义有5种:

  • PCIE_BUS_DEFAULT:保证pcie设备可以满足upstream的要求。
  • PCIE_BUS_SAFE:将MPS设置为设备最大支持的值,这里也要参考水桶原理,最终采用最小MPS的EP设置。
  • PCIE_BUS_PERFORMANCE:将EP pcie设备的MPS设置为RC允许的最大值,同时MRRS也设置为最大值。
  • PCIE_BUS_PEER2PEER:相对比较简单,就是一个标准,把所有的RC/Pcie switch/EP的MPS都设置为128B,不偏不倚。

enum pcie_bus_config_types {

PCIE_BUS_TUNE_OFF, /* Don't touch MPS at all */

PCIE_BUS_DEFAULT, /* Ensure MPS matches upstream bridge */

PCIE_BUS_SAFE,  /* Use largest MPS boot-time devices support */

PCIE_BUS_PERFORMANCE, /* Use MPS and MRRS for best performance */

PCIE_BUS_PEER2PEER, /* Set MPS = 128 for all devices */


extern enum pcie_bus_config_types pcie_bus_config;



* pcie_bus_configure_settings() requires that pci_walk_bus work in a top-down,

* parents then children fashion.  If this changes, then this code will not

* work as designed.


void pcie_bus_configure_settings(struct pci_bus *bus)


u8 smpss = 0;

if (!bus->self)


if (!pci_is_pcie(bus->self))



 * FIXME - Peer to peer DMA is possible, though the endpoint would need

 * to be aware of the MPS of the destination.  To work around this,

 * simply force the MPS of the entire system to the smallest possible.


if (pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_PEER2PEER)

smpss = 0;

if (pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_SAFE) {

smpss = bus->self->pcie_mpss;

pcie_find_smpss(bus->self, &smpss);

pci_walk_bus(bus, pcie_find_smpss, &smpss);


pcie_bus_configure_set(bus->self, &smpss);

pci_walk_bus(bus, pcie_bus_configure_set, &smpss);


在调用pcie_bus_configure_set函数时,如果pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_TUNE_OFF || pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_DEFAULT,函数会直接返回return 0; 在其他模式下,会主动调用pcie_write_mps和pcie_write_mrrs修改MPS和MRRS。

static int pcie_bus_configure_set(struct pci_dev *dev, void *data)


int mps, orig_mps;

if (!pci_is_pcie(dev))

return 0;

if (pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_TUNE_OFF ||

    pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_DEFAULT)

return 0;

mps = 128 << *(u8 *)data;

orig_mps = pcie_get_mps(dev);

pcie_write_mps(dev, mps);


pci_info(dev, "Max Payload Size set to %4d/%4d (was %4d), Max Read Rq %4d\n",

  pcie_get_mps(dev), 128 << dev->pcie_mpss,

  orig_mps, pcie_get_readrq(dev));

return 0;



static void pcie_write_mps(struct pci_dev *dev, int mps)


int rc;

if (pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_PERFORMANCE) {

mps = 128 << dev->pcie_mpss;

if (pci_pcie_type(dev) != PCI_EXP_TYPE_ROOT_PORT &&



   * For "Performance", the assumption is made that

   * downstream communication will never be larger than

   * the MRRS.  So, the MPS only needs to be configured

   * for the upstream communication.  This being the case,

   * walk from the top down and set the MPS of the child

   * to that of the parent bus.


   * Configure the device MPS with the smaller of the

   * device MPSS or the bridge MPS (which is assumed to be

   * properly configured at this point to the largest

   * allowable MPS based on its parent bus).


  mps = min(mps, pcie_get_mps(dev->bus->self));


rc = pcie_set_mps(dev, mps);

if (rc)

pci_err(dev, "Failed attempting to set the MPS\n");



static void pcie_write_mrrs(struct pci_dev *dev)


int rc, mrrs;


 * In the "safe" case, do not configure the MRRS.  There appear to be

 * issues with setting MRRS to 0 on a number of devices.


if (pcie_bus_config != PCIE_BUS_PERFORMANCE)



 * For max performance, the MRRS must be set to the largest supported

 * value.  However, it cannot be configured larger than the MPS the

 * device or the bus can support.  This should already be properly

 * configured by a prior call to pcie_write_mps().


mrrs = pcie_get_mps(dev);


 * MRRS is a R/W register.  Invalid values can be written, but a

 * subsequent read will verify if the value is acceptable or not.

 * If the MRRS value provided is not acceptable (e.g., too large),

 * shrink the value until it is acceptable to the HW.


while (mrrs != pcie_get_readrq(dev) && mrrs >= 128) {

rc = pcie_set_readrq(dev, mrrs);

if (!rc)


pci_warn(dev, "Failed attempting to set the MRRS\n");

mrrs /= 2;


if (mrrs < 128)

pci_err(dev, "MRRS was unable to be configured with a safe value.  If problems are experienced, try running with pci=pcie_bus_safe\n");


此外,还可以在驱动里面单独通过pcie_set_readrq 函数调整MRRS参数,以达到提升性能的目的。

int pcie_set_readrq(struct pci_dev *dev, int rq)


u16 v;

int ret;

if (rq < 128 || rq > 4096 || !is_power_of_2(rq))

return -EINVAL;


 * If using the "performance" PCIe config, we clamp the read rq

 * size to the max packet size to keep the host bridge from

 * generating requests larger than we can cope with.


if (pcie_bus_config == PCIE_BUS_PERFORMANCE) {

int mps = pcie_get_mps(dev);

if (mps < rq)

  rq = mps;


v = (ffs(rq) - 8) << 12;

ret = pcie_capability_clear_and_set_word(dev, PCI_EXP_DEVCTL,


return pcibios_err_to_errno(ret);



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