1. 数据集准备
COCO 格式实例分割的必要键如下:
{ "images": [image], "annotations": [annotation], "categories": [category] } image = { "id": int, "width": int, "height": int, "file_name": str, } annotation = { "id": int, "image_id": int, "category_id": int, "segmentation": RLE or [polygon], "area": float, "bbox": [x,y,width,height], "iscrowd": 0 or 1, } categories = [{ "id": int, "name": str, "supercategory": str, }]
|-----image |-----train |-----val |-----label |-----train |-----val |-----mask.yml
import os import json import random import time from PIL import Image import csv # print('chance the file') task = 'train' # or 'val' # root = r'/home/lab/LLC/mmdetection/mmdetection-2.24.0' coco_format_save_path = '../../data/mask/annotations' # 要生成的标准coco格式标签所在文件夹 yolo_format_annotation_path = '../../data/mask/labels/' + task # yolo格式标签所在文件夹 img_pathDir = '../../data/mask/images/' + task # 图片所在文件夹 assert os.path.exists(coco_format_save_path), "Please mkdir the save path" # 类别设置 categories = [] class_names = ['with_mask', 'without_mask', 'mask_weared_incorrect'] for label in class_names: categories.append({'id': class_names.index(label), 'name': label, 'supercategory': ""}) write_json_context = dict() # 写入.json文件的大字典 # write_json_context['licenses'] = [{'name': "", 'id': 0, 'url': ""}] # write_json_context['info'] = {'contributor': "", 'date_created': "", 'description': "", # 'url': "", 'version': "", 'year': ""} write_json_context['categories'] = categories write_json_context['images'] = [] write_json_context['annotations'] = [] # 接下来的代码主要添加'images'和'annotations'的key值 imageFileList = os.listdir(img_pathDir) # 遍历该文件夹下的所有文件,并将所有文件名添加到列表中 img_id = 0 # 图片编号 anno_id = 0 # 标注标号 for i, imageFile in enumerate(imageFileList): if '_' not in imageFile: img_id += 1 imagePath = os.path.join(img_pathDir, imageFile) # 获取图片的绝对路径 image = Image.open(imagePath) # 读取图片 W, H = image.size # 获取图片的高度宽度 img_context = {} # 使用一个字典存储该图片信息 # img_name=os.path.basename(imagePath) img_context['id'] = img_id # 每张图像的唯一ID索引 img_context['width'] = W img_context['height'] = H img_context['file_name'] = imageFile # img_context['license'] = 0 # img_context['flickr_url'] = "" # img_context['color_url'] = "" # img_context['date_captured'] = "" write_json_context['images'].append(img_context) # 将该图片信息添加到'image'列表中 txtFile = imageFile.split('.')[0] + '.txt' # 获取该图片获取的txt文件 with open(os.path.join(yolo_format_annotation_path, txtFile), 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() # 读取txt文件的每一行数据,lines2是一个列表,包含了一个图片的所有标注信息 for j, line in enumerate(lines): anno_id += 1 # 标注的id从1开始 bbox_dict = {} # 将每一个bounding box信息存储在该字典中 class_id, x, y, w, h = line.strip().split(' ') # 获取每一个标注框的详细信息 class_id, x, y, w, h = int(class_id), float(x), float(y), float(w), float(h) # 将字符串类型转为可计算的int和float类型 # 坐标转换 xmin = (x - w / 2) * W ymin = (y - h / 2) * H xmax = (x + w / 2) * W ymax = (y + h / 2) * H w = w * W h = h * H height, width = abs(ymax - ymin), abs(xmax - xmin) # bounding box的坐标信息 bbox_dict['id'] = anno_id # 每个标注信息的索引 bbox_dict['image_id'] = img_id # 当前图像的ID索引 bbox_dict['category_id'] = class_id # 类别信息 bbox_dict['segmentation'] = [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymax]] bbox_dict['area'] = height * width bbox_dict['bbox'] = [xmin, ymin, w, h] # 注意目标类别要加一 bbox_dict['iscrowd'] = 0 bbox_dict['attributes'] = "" write_json_context['annotations'].append(bbox_dict) # 将每一个由字典存储的bounding box信息添加到'annotations'列表中 name = os.path.join(coco_format_save_path, task + '.json') with open(name, 'w') as fw: # 将字典信息写入.json文件中 json.dump(write_json_context, fw, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print('finish converters')
2. 准备配置文件
# The new config inherits a base config to highlight the necessary modification _base_ = 'mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_caffe_fpn_mstrain-poly_1x_coco.py' # We also need to change the num_classes in head to match the dataset's annotation model = dict( roi_head=dict( bbox_head=dict(num_classes=1), mask_head=dict(num_classes=1))) # Modify dataset related settings dataset_type = 'COCODataset' classes = ('balloon',) data = dict( train=dict( img_prefix='balloon/train/', classes=classes, ann_file='balloon/train/annotation_coco.json'), val=dict( img_prefix='balloon/val/', classes=classes, ann_file='balloon/val/annotation_coco.json'), test=dict( img_prefix='balloon/val/', classes=classes, ann_file='balloon/val/annotation_coco.json')) # We can use the pre-trained Mask RCNN model to obtain higher performance load_from = 'checkpoints/mask_rcnn_r50_caffe_fpn_mstrain-poly_3x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.408__segm_mAP-0.37_20200504_163245-42aa3d00.pth'
train_dataset = dict( type='MultiImageMixDataset', dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/train.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'train/', pipeline=[ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True) ], filter_empty_gt=False, ), pipeline=train_pipeline) ...... data = dict( samples_per_gpu=2, workers_per_gpu=2, persistent_workers=True, train=train_dataset, val=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/val.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'val/', pipeline=test_pipeline), test=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/val.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'val/', pipeline=test_pipeline)) ......
# model settings model = dict( type='YOLOX', input_size=img_scale, random_size_range=(15, 25), random_size_interval=10, backbone=dict(type='CSPDarknet', deepen_factor=0.33, widen_factor=0.5), neck=dict( type='YOLOXPAFPN', in_channels=[128, 256, 512], out_channels=128, num_csp_blocks=1), bbox_head=dict( type='YOLOXHead', num_classes=3, in_channels=128, feat_channels=128), # 需要改变为3类 train_cfg=dict(assigner=dict(type='SimOTAAssigner', center_radius=2.5)), # In order to align the source code, the threshold of the val phase is # 0.01, and the threshold of the test phase is 0.001. test_cfg=dict(score_thr=0.01, nms=dict(type='nms', iou_threshold=0.65)))
# dataset settings data_root = 'data/mask/' dataset_type = 'CocoDataset' classes = ('with_mask', 'without_mask', 'mask_weared_incorrect') train_dataset = dict( type='MultiImageMixDataset', dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/train.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'train/', pipeline=[ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True) ], filter_empty_gt=False, ), pipeline=train_pipeline) ... data = dict( samples_per_gpu=2, workers_per_gpu=2, persistent_workers=True, train=train_dataset, val=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/val.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'val/', pipeline=test_pipeline), test=dict( type=dataset_type, classes=classes, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/val.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'val/', pipeline=test_pipeline)) ...
3. 训练与推理
# Train: # 设置在单卡0卡上进行训练 python tools/train.py configs/yolox/yolox_s_8x8_300e_mask.py --gpu-id 0 # 设置在0,1,3卡上进行训练 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,3 ./tools/dist_train.sh configs/yolox/yolox_s_8x8_300e_mask.py 3 # Test python tools/test.py configs/yolox/yolox_s_8x8_300e_mask.py work_dirs/yolox_s_8x8_300e_mask/latest.pth --eval bbox --gpu-id 0