npm install docx-preview --save
npm install jszip --save
npm install vue-photo-preview --save
<template> <!-- 图片、pdf、docx 预览 "docx-preview": "^0.1.4", "jszip": "^3.10.0",--> <div> <a-modal title="文件预览" :visible="showDoc || showPdf || showImg" :maskClosable="false" @cancel="cancel" width="750px"> <template slot="closeIcon"> <my-icon icon="close-circle" class="closeIcon"/> </template> <template slot="footer"> <div v-if="showPdf" class="pdf-layout-page"> <my-button @click="changePdfPage(0)" :disabled="currentPage===1" name="上一页"/> {{currentPage}} / {{pageCount}} <my-button @click="changePdfPage(1)" :disabled="currentPage===pageCount" name="下一页"/> </div> <my-button name="取消" @click="cancel"/> </template> <div class="modal-body form"> <div v-if="showImg"> <img :src="images" preview="1" preview-text="" style="width:100%"/> </div> <div v-show="showDoc" ref="word"> <iframe v-if="fileUrl" frameborder="0" :src="fileUrl" width='100%' height="100%"> </iframe> </div> <div v-show="showPdf" class="pdf-layout" id="top"> <pdf-view ref="pdf" :src="pdfPath" :page="currentPage" @num-pages="pageCount=$event" @page-loaded="currentPage=$event" @loaded="loadPdfHandler"/> </div> </div> </a-modal> </div> </template> <script> import pdfView from 'vue-pdf' import axios from 'axios' const docxPre = require('docx-preview') window.JSZip = require('jszip') export default { name: 'FilePreview', components: { pdfView }, data() { return { showDoc: false,//判断如果是否为word文件显示 showPdf: false,//判断如果是否为pdf文件显示 showImg: false,//判断如果是否为图片显示 fileUrl: '',//pdf链接 images: '',//图片链接 currentPage: 0, // pdf文件页码 pageCount: 0, // pdf文件总页数 } }, methods: { showView(filePath) { let that = this let type = filePath.split('.')[filePath.split('.').length - 1] if (type === 'jpg' || type === 'png' || type === 'jpeg') { that.images = filePath that.showImg = true } else if (type === 'pdf') { that.loadPdfHandler()//重置pdf第一页展示 that.pdfPath = filePath that.showPdf = true } else if (type === 'doc') {//word预览 that.fileUrl = '' + filePath that.showDoc = true } else if (type === 'docx') {//word预览 that.showDoc = true that.previewWord(filePath) } }, // 后端返回二进制流 previewWord(filePath) { let that = this // 这里需要提起打开弹窗,因为有时很找不到word的ref 会报错 axios({ method: 'get', responseType: 'blob', // 因为是流文件,所以要指定blob类型 url: filePath }).then(({ data }) => { docxPre.renderAsync(data, this.$refs.word) }) }, //pdf上一页下一页操作 changePdfPage(val) { if (val === 0 && this.currentPage > 1) { this.currentPage-- } if (val === 1 && this.currentPage < this.pageCount) { this.currentPage++ } }, top() { document.querySelector('#top').scrollIntoView(true) }, // pdf加载时 loadPdfHandler(e) { this.currentPage = 1 // 加载的时候先加载第一页 }, cancel() { this.showDoc = false//判断如果是否为word文件显示 this.showPdf = false//判断如果是否为pdf文件显示 this.showImg = false//判断如果是否为图片显示 } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .form { height: 600px; overflow: auto; } .pdf-layout-page { left: 30%; margin: auto; display: inline-block; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; position: absolute } </style>
<template> <div> <file-preview ref="filePreview"/> </div> </template> <script> //组件中引入 import FilePreview from '@/components/FilePreview/index' export default { components: { FilePreview }, methods: { lookFile() { this.$refs.filePreview.showView(fileUrl) } } } </script>
注:示例中使用的ui框架是 Ant Design Vue ,使用的控件可替换成相应项目的ui框架