Automatic Workload Repository Views

简介: Automatic Workload Repository Views

This view displays active database session activity, sampled once every second. See "Active Session History".

V$ metric views provide metric data to track the performance of the system

The metric views are organized into various groups, such as event, event class, system, session, service, file, and tablespace metrics. These groups are identified in the V$METRICGROUP view.

DBA_HIST views

The DBA_HIST views displays historical data stored in the database. This group of views includes:

DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY displays the history of the contents of the in-memory active session history for recent system activity

DBA_HIST_BASELINE displays information about the baselines captured on the system, such as the time range of each baseline and the baseline type

DBA_HIST_BASELINE_DETAILS displays details about a specific baseline

DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE displays information about the baseline templates used by the system to generate baselines

DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE displays information about the database environment

DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE displays historical predictions of the number of physical reads for the cache size corresponding to each row

DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER displays historical information for each dispatcher process at the time of the snapshot

DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS displays statistical information about the dynamic remastering process

DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL displays historical I/O statistics aggregated by file type and function

DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY displays historical information for shared servers, such as shared server activity, common queues and dispatcher queues

DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT displays information on snapshots in the system

DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN displays the SQL execution plans

DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL displays the settings for controlling AWR
解决报错did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the “na
解决报错did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the “na
Automatic Workload Repository Views
Automatic Workload Repository Views
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Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
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 Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
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Troubleshooting: Missing Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Snapshots and Other Collection Issues (Doc ID 1301503.1)
Troubleshooting: Missing Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Snapshots and Other Collection Issues (Doc ID 1301503.1)
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Oracle 关系型数据库
How to Recreate the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)? (Doc ID 782974.1)
How to Recreate the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)? (Doc ID 782974.1)
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