1 简介
2 部分代码
% test_mrics.m by Tom Goldstein (tagoldst@math.ucla.edu)% This file is meant to demonstrate how to properly use mrics.m% When this script is run, it will first build a simple test image. The% method then builds a sampling matrix, R, with entries randomly chosen % to be 1 or 0. The compressed sensing data is then computed using the% folrmula F = R.*fft2(image). Gaussian noisy is added to the CS data.% Finally, the mrics method is used to reconstruct the image form the% sub-sampled K-Space data. N = 128; % The image will be NxNsparsity = .25; % use only 30% on the K-Space data for CS % build an image of a squareimage = zeros(N,N);image(N/4:3*N/4,N/4:3*N/4)=255; % build the sampling matrix, RR = rand(N,N);R = R<sparsity; % Form the CS dataF = R.*fft2(image);% Recover the imagerecovered = mrics(R,F, 1, 1, 1e-5,10, 4);% build a figure to display resultsfigure;subplot(2,2,1);imagesc(abs(image)); colormap('gray');title('Original');subplot(2,2,2);imagesc(abs(R)); colormap('gray');title('R');subplot(2,2,3);imagesc(abs(ifft2(F))); colormap('gray');title('Set unknown to 0');subplot(2,2,4);imagesc(abs(recovered)); colormap('gray');title('Split Bregman Recovery');
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]苟军年, 董海鹰. 基于Split Bregman算法的有限角度CT图像重建[J]. 兰州交通大学学报, 2018, 37(3):6.