配置Lync IM/Presence 与 Exchange2010 SP1 OWA 集成

Enable Exchange 2010 SP1 Outlook Web App and IM Integration

Topic Last Modified: 2011-04-05

To enable Exchange 2010 SP1 Outlook Web Access (OWA) and instant messaging (IM) integration with Microsoft Lync Server 2010, you must add the Exchange 2010 SP1 Client Access Server (CAS) server to the Lync Server 2010 topology as a trusted application server.

There are additional configuration requirements that depend on how your Exchange 2010 SP1 server roles are configured:
  • If your CAS server is not collocated on the same server that is running Exchange 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging (UM), in addition to creating a trusted application pool you must create a trusted application, which can only be done by using Lync Server Management Shell. The trusted application must be assigned a port number on which the application will run. The port must be unique within the trusted application pool. In other words, no other applications that use this port can be defined in the specified pool. This port will not be used, but it must be assigned as described in the “Create a trusted application for the Exchange 2010 SP1 CAS server” procedure later in this topic.
  • If your CAS server is collocated on the same server that is running Exchange 2010 SP1 UM, and the UM server is servicing a SIP dial plan that is integrated with Lync Server 2010, you only need to create a trusted application pool. It is not necessary to create a trusted application.
  1. Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or has the equivalent administrator rights and permissions.

  2. Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.

  3. Run the following cmdlet:

    This returns the siteID for the siteName in which you are creating the pool. For details, see Get-CsSite in the Lync Server Management Shell documentation.


  4. Run the following cmdlet:

    For details, see  New-CsTrustedApplicationPool in the Lync Server Management Shell documentation.
    If your CAS server is not collocated on the same server that is running Exchange 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging (UM), skip the remaining steps in this procedure and perform the “Create a trusted application for the Exchange 2010 SP1 CAS server” procedure later in this topic. If your CAS server is collocated on the same server that is running Exchange 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging (UM), complete the steps in this procedure and do not perform the “Create a trusted application for the Exchange 2010 SP1 CAS server” procedure later in this topic.
  5. Run Enable-CsTopology.

  6. Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Topology Builder.

  7. Select the option to Download Topology from existing deployment.

  8. In the Save Topology As dialog box, select the Topology Builder file you want to use, and click Save.

  9. In the left pane, expand the tree until you reach Trusted application servers.

  10. Expand the Trusted application servers node.

  11. You should now see the Exchange 2010 SP1 CAS server listed as a trusted application server.

  1. Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or has the equivalent administrator rights and permissions.

  2. Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.

  3. If your CAS server is not collocated on the same server that is running Exchange 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging (UM), run the following cmdlet:

    New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationId <AppID String> -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn <E14 CAS FQDN> -Port <available port number>

    For details, see the topic New-CsTrustedApplication in the Lync Server Management Shell documentation.


  4. Run Enable-CsTopology.

  5. Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Topology Builder.

  6. Select the option to Download Topology from existing deployment.

  7. In the Save Topology As dialog box, select the Topology Builder file you want to use, and click Save.

  8. In the left pane, expand the tree until you reach Trusted application servers.

  9. Expand the Trusted application servers node.

  10. You should now see the Exchange 2010 SP1 CAS server listed as a trusted application server.


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