public class Question { public static int askQuestion() { //产生2个10以内随机整数(乘数和被乘数) int a = (int)(Math.random() * 9)+1; Random random = new Random(); int b = random.nextInt(9)+1; System.out.println(a+"*"+b+"等于多少?"); return a*b; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); int answer = askQuestion();//答案 while (true) { System.out.println("输入-1退出程序"); int user_answer = scanner.nextInt(); if(user_answer == -1) { break; } if(answer == user_answer) { System.out.println("非常好"); answer = askQuestion();//答案 } else//打错了,需要重新出刚才那道题 { System.out.println("错,请重试"); } } System.out.println("程序退出"); } }
Very good!非常好
Nice work!做的好
Keep up the good work! 做的好,继续保持
No.Please try again. 错,请重试
Wrong.Try once more. 错,再试试
Don't give up! 别放弃
Nn.keep trying. 保持尝试
public class Question { static String[] good = {"非常好","特别好","做的好","做的好,继续保持"}; static String[] error = {"错,请重试","错,再试试","别放弃","保持尝试"}; public static int askQuestion() { //产生2个10以内随机整数(乘数和被乘数) int a = (int)(Math.random() * 9)+1; Random random = new Random(); int b = random.nextInt(9)+1; System.out.println(a+"*"+b+"等于多少?"); return a*b; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); int answer = askQuestion();//答案 while (true) { System.out.println("输入-1退出程序"); int user_answer = scanner.nextInt(); if(user_answer == -1) { break; } if(answer == user_answer) { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(4); System.out.println(good[index]); answer = askQuestion();//答案 } else//打错了,需要重新出刚才那道题 { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(4); System.out.println(error[index]); } } System.out.println("程序退出"); } }
- 编写一个程序,按照如下规则玩“猜数游戏”:在程序中,通过选择一个1——1000的整数之间随机数来确定要猜的数。程序在一个文本字段旁显示提示:
玩家在文本字段中输入第一个数并按下回车键。如果玩家猜错了,程序应当在状态栏中显示“太大了,再试”或者“太小了再试”,帮助玩家“接近”正确答案并清除文本字段,以便用用户能输入下一个猜测的数。当用户输入了正确答案后,就显示“祝贺你,猜对了”,在控制台中清除文本字段以便用户可以再次进行游戏。提示:这个问题种使用查找技术称为二分查找(binary search)。
public class GuessNumber { public static void main(String[] args) { Random random = new Random(); int guessnum = random.nextInt(1000)+1;//生成一个随机数,让用户猜 // System.out.println(guessnum); int guessCount = 0;//记录用户猜了多少次 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("请猜数"); int input = scanner.nextInt();//用户第一次输入答案 guessCount++; while (input != guessnum) { if(input > guessnum) { System.out.println("太大了"); } else { System.out.println("太小了"); } guessCount++; System.out.println("请猜数"); input = scanner.nextInt();//让用户再次输入答案 } System.out.println("程序退出,一共用了"+ guessCount + "次"); } }
Please type 1 for "smoking"(吸烟区请安1)
Please type 2 for "nonsmoking"(无烟区请安2)
安排。如果回答否定,那么打印消息“Next flight leaves in 3 hours.”(下次航班三小时后起飞)。
public class FlyOrderTicket { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] seats = new int[10];//代表10个空闲座位,其中1-5是吸烟区,6-10是无烟区 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.println("吸烟区请安1,无烟区请安2,退出按-1"); int command = scanner.nextInt(); if(command == -1) { break; } else if(command == 1)//在吸烟区给用户分配一个座位 { int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //考察座位是否已经被分配出去了 if(seats[i] == 0)//当前座位可以分配 { seats[i] = 1;//分配出去了该座位 System.out.println("你的座号是"+(i+1) + "在吸烟区");//打印登记卡 break; } } if(i == 5)//没有在吸烟区找到空余座位 { System.out.println("吸烟区无座位了,是否接受无烟区的座位?"); String answer = scanner.next(); if(answer.equals("是"))//在无烟区分配座位 { int j; for(j = 5; j < 10; j++) { //考察座位是否已经被分配出去了 if(seats[j] == 0)//当前座位可以分配 { seats[j] = 1;//分配出去了该座位 System.out.println("你的座号是"+(j+1) + "在无烟区");//打印登记卡 break; } } if(j==10)//无烟区也没有座位了 { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } else { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } } else if(command == 2)//在无烟区分配座位 { int j; for(j = 5; j < 10; j++) { //考察座位是否已经被分配出去了 if(seats[j] == 0)//当前座位可以分配 { seats[j] = 1;//分配出去了该座位 System.out.println("你的座号是"+(j+1) + "在无烟区");//打印登记卡 break; } } if(j==10)//无烟区没有座位了 { System.out.println("无烟区无座位了,是否接受吸烟区的座位?"); String answer = scanner.next(); if (answer.equals("是"))//在无烟区分配座位 { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //考察座位是否已经被分配出去了 if (seats[i] == 0)//当前座位可以分配 { seats[i] = 1;//分配出去了该座位 System.out.println("你的座号是" + (i + 1) + "在吸烟区");//打印登记卡 break; } } if (i == 5)//吸烟区也没有座位了 { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } } } } System.out.println("谢谢使用"); } }
public class FlyOrderTicket { static int[] seats = new int[10];//代表10个空闲座位,其中1-5是吸烟区,6-10是无烟区 public static int allocSeats(int start, int end) { String strArea = "吸烟区"; if(end == 10) { strArea = "无烟区"; } int i; for(i = start; i < end; i++) { //考察座位是否已经被分配出去了 if(seats[i] == 0)//当前座位可以分配 { seats[i] = 1;//分配出去了该座位 System.out.println("你的座号是"+(i+1) + "在" + strArea);//打印登记卡 break; } } return i; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.println("吸烟区请安1,无烟区请安2,退出按-1"); int command = scanner.nextInt(); if(command == -1) { break; } else if(command == 1)//在吸烟区给用户分配一个座位 { int i = allocSeats(0,5); if(i == 5)//没有在吸烟区找到空余座位 { System.out.println("吸烟区无座位了,是否接受无烟区的座位?"); String answer = scanner.next(); if(answer.equals("是"))//在无烟区分配座位 { int j = allocSeats(5,10); if(j==10)//无烟区也没有座位了 { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } else { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } } else if(command == 2)//在无烟区分配座位 { int j = allocSeats(5,10); if(j==10)//无烟区没有座位了 { System.out.println("无烟区无座位了,是否接受吸烟区的座位?"); String answer = scanner.next(); if (answer.equals("是"))//在无烟区分配座位 { int i = allocSeats(0,5); if (i == 5)//吸烟区也没有座位了 { System.out.println("下次航班三小时后起飞"); } } } } } System.out.println("谢谢使用"); } }
- 某个公司采用公用电话传递数据信息,数据是小于8位的整数,为了确保安全,5698234 --》 4328965 ---》9873410 -- 》 0873419
首先将数据倒序,然后将每位数字都加上5,再用和除以10的余数代替该数字, 最后将第一位和最后一位数字交换。 请任意给定一个小于8位的整数, 然后,把加密后的结果在控制台打印出来。
public class JiaMi { public static void main(String[] args) { int index = 0; //数组当前的下标 int[] array = new int[8]; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("请输入要加密的数"); int num = scanner.nextInt();//--》 4328965 //将数倒序,保存到数组中 while (num != 0) { array[index] = num % 10; index++; num = num / 10; } for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) { array[i] = (array[i] + 5) % 10; //每位数字都加上5,再用和除以10的余数代替该数字 } //最后将第一位和最后一位数字交换 int temp = array[0]; array[0] = array[index - 1]; array[index - 1] = temp; for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) { System.out.print(array[i]); } return; } }
6 龟兔赛跑
(模拟程序:龟兔赛跑)在这个问题中,我们将再现经典的龟兔赛跑。 程序中使用随机数生成法来开发一个模拟这一著名事件的应用程序。
|快速走* |50%****|向右03格|
|滑倒 |20%****|向左06格|
|慢速走 |*30%****|向右01格|
|睡觉* |20%****|原地不动|
|大跳 |20%****|向右09格|
|大滑倒 |10%****|向左12格|
|小跳** |30%****|向右01格|
|小滑倒 |*20%****|向左02格|
AND THE'RE OFF!!!(他们出发了!!!)
打印出每行之后,确定每个动物是否到达或者穿过了70号方格。如果有,这打印出胜者并终止模拟程序。如果是乌龟胜利了,则打印“TORTOISE WINS!!!YAY!!!”,如果是兔兔获胜了,则打印“Hare wins.Yuch”。如果两个动物在同一时刻打成平手,那么应当表扬乌龟(因其处于劣势),或者打印“It's a tie”。如果没有动物获胜,就再执行一遍循环来模拟时钟的下个时刻。
package com.company; import java.util.Random; public class Main { //赛道 static char[] road = new char[70]; //乌龟当前位置 static int tPosition = 0; //兔子当前位置 static int hPosition = 0; //判断乌龟该移动多少步 // 动物|移动类型|时间百分比|实际移动| // ---------------------------------- // 乌龟|快速走* |***50%****|向右03格| // |*滑倒** |***20%****|向左06格| // |慢速走* |***30%****|向右01格| // ---------------------------------- public static void computeTortoiseNewPosition(int num) { if (num >= 1 && num <= 5) { tPosition += 3; } else if (num >= 6 && num <= 7) { tPosition -= 6; if (tPosition < 0) { tPosition = 0; } } else { tPosition += 1; } } // //判断兔兔该移动多少步 //兔兔|*睡觉** |***20%****|原地不动| // |*大跳** |***20%****|向右09格| // |大滑倒* |***10%****|向左12格| // |*小跳** |***30%****|向右01格| // |小滑倒* |***20%****|向左02格| // ---------------------------------- public static void computeHareNewPosition(int num) { if (num >= 1 && num <= 2) { hPosition += 0; } else if (num >= 3 && num <= 4) { hPosition += 9; } else if (num == 5) { hPosition -= 12; if (hPosition < 0) { hPosition = 0; } } else if (num >= 6 && num <= 8) { hPosition += 1; } else { hPosition -= 2; if (hPosition < 0) { hPosition = 0; } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // write your code here System.out.println("开跑"); while (true) { //给跑道的每一格赋初始值 for(int i = 0; i < road.length; i++) { road[i] = '-'; } //每一次循环(每次时钟滴答),兔子要按规则行走,乌龟也要按规则行走 Random random = new Random(); int num = random.nextInt(10) + 1; computeTortoiseNewPosition(num); computeHareNewPosition(num); //判断是否有人到达了终点 if (tPosition >= 70 || hPosition >= 70) { break;//胜负已分 } road[tPosition] = '龟'; road[hPosition] = '兔'; if(tPosition == hPosition)//龟和兔重合,也即在数组的同一格上 { road[tPosition] = '咬'; } //打印赛道当前的情况 for(int i = 0; i < road.length; i++) { System.out.print(road[i]); } Thread.sleep(300); System.out.println(); } if(tPosition >= 70) { System.out.println("乌龟赢了"); } else//hPosition >= 70 { System.out.println("兔子赢了"); } } }
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free Today I can fell sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste
I-----5 can-----4 that-----3 be-----2 me-----2 or-----2 is-----2 my-----2 the-----2 Today-----2 away-----1 thankful-----1 don't-----1 for-----1 getting-----1 fell-----1 rainy-----1 encourage-----1 grass-----1 and-----1 sad-----1 weather-----1 have-----1 from-----1 because-----1 free-----1 plan-----1 guide-----1 waste-----1 purchases-----1 more-----1 watered-----1 complain-----1 money-----1 glad-----1 to-----1 finances-----1 wisely-----1
package com.company; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * Created by ttc on 2018/1/19. */ public class FileWordCount { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { //读取文件中的文章 FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("d:/article.txt"); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); String strContent = bufferedReader.readLine(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (strContent != null)//还有未曾读完的内容 { stringBuilder.append(strContent); //继续读取下一行 strContent = bufferedReader.readLine(); } System.out.println(stringBuilder.toString()); //用空格分隔,打破成字符串数组 String[] words = stringBuilder.toString().split(" "); System.out.println(words); //定义一个map结构,key保存单词,值保存单词出现的次数 Map<String,Integer> word2Counts = new HashMap<>(); //将单词从数组结构,转换为map结构 for(String word : words) { //考察每个单词,如果单词出现在Map的key中,取出对应的值(也就是该单词已经出现的次数), //将其加1,然后放回map if(word2Counts.containsKey(word)) { int count = word2Counts.get(word); count++; word2Counts.put(word,count); } else//否则,意味着该单词首次出现,那么将该单词放入map中,并且将次数设置为1 { word2Counts.put(word,1); } } FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("d:/result.txt"); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter); //将单词信息,从map结构转换到list结构 List<WordInfo> wordInfoList = new ArrayList<WordInfo>(); for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : word2Counts.entrySet()) { WordInfo wordInfo = new WordInfo(); wordInfo.setWord(entry.getKey()); wordInfo.setCount(entry.getValue()); wordInfoList.add(wordInfo); } Collections.sort(wordInfoList); for(WordInfo wordInfo : wordInfoList) { bufferedWriter.write(wordInfo.getWord()+ "-----"); bufferedWriter.write(String.valueOf(wordInfo.getCount())); bufferedWriter.newLine(); } bufferedWriter.flush(); fileReader.close(); fileWriter.close(); bufferedReader.close(); bufferedWriter.close(); } }
package com.company; /** * Created by ttc on 2018/1/19. */ public class WordInfo implements Comparable { private String word; private int count; public String getWord() { return word; } public void setWord(String word) { this.word = word; } public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { // System.out.println("compareTo"); WordInfo wordInfo = (WordInfo)o; return wordInfo.getCount()-this.count; } }