1. 密度泛函理论
密度泛函理论(Density Functional Theory)是一种研究多电子体系电子结构的量子力学方法。密度泛函理论在物理和化学上都有广泛的应用,特别是用来研究分子和凝聚态的性质,是凝聚态物理和计算化学领域最常用的方法之一。
电子结构理论的经典方法,特别是Hartree-Fock方法和后Hartree-Fock方法,是基于复杂的多电子波函数的。密度泛函理论的主要目标就是用电子密度取代波函数做为研究的基本量。因为多电子波函数有3N个变量(N 为电子数,每个电子包含三个空间变量),而电子密度仅是三个变量的函数,无论在概念上还是实际上都更方便处理。
密度泛函理论最普遍的应用是通过Kohn-Sham方法实现的。在Kohn-Sham DFT框架中,最难处理的多体问题被简化成了一个没有相互作用的电子在有效势场中的运动问题。
2. Numpy 1D-DFT
Goal: write our own Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT code
Target: a harmonic oscillator including kinetic energy, electrostatic repulsion between the electrons, and the local density approximation for electronic interactions, ignoring correlation.
What we have to do?
- Represent the Hamiltonian
- Calculate the KS wavefunctions, the density
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2.1 Differential operator
In order to represent kinetic operator
2.1.1 First order differentiation
n_grid=200 x=np.linspace(-5,5,n_grid) h=x[1]-x[0] D=-np.eye(n_grid)+np.diagflat(np.ones(n_grid-1),1) D = D / h
2.1.2 Second oorder differentiation
D2=D.dot(-D.T) D2[-1,-1]=D2[0,0]
2.2 Non-interacting electrons
This is the Hamiltonian of non-interacting free particles in a box given by the size of grid:
eig_non, psi_non=np.linalg.eigh(-D2/2)
plot (energies are shown in the label)
for i in range(3): plt.plot(x,psi_non[:,i], label=f"{eig_non[i]:.4f}") plt.legend(loc=1)
2.3 Harmonic oscillator
and solve the KS.
eig_harm, psi_harm = np.linalg.eigh(-D2/2+X)
for i in range(5): plt.plot(x,psi_harm[:,i], label=f"{eig_harm[i]:.4f}") plt.legend(loc=1)
2.4 Density
We will want to include the Coulomb or Hatree interacion as well as LDA exchange
Both of which are density functinals
So we need to calculate the electron density
# integral def integral(x,y,axis=0): dx=x[1]-x[0] return np.sum(y*dx, axis=axis)
number of electrons
def get_nx(num_electron, psi, x): # normalization I=integral(x,psi**2,axis=0) normed_psi=psi/np.sqrt(I)[None, :] # occupation num fn=[2 for _ in range(num_electron//2)] if num_electron % 2: fn.append(1) # density res=np.zeros_like(normed_psi[:,0]) for ne, psi in zip(fn,normed_psi.T): res += ne*(psi**2) return res
plt.plot(get_nx(num_electron,psi_non, x), label="non") plt.plot(get_nx(num_electron,psi_harm, x), label="harm") plt.legend(loc=1)
2.5 Exchange energy
def get_exchange(nx,x): energy=-3./4.*(3./np.pi)**(1./3.)*integral(x,nx**(4./3.)) potential=-(3./np.pi)**(1./3.)*nx**(1./3.) return energy, potential
2.6 coulomb potential
def get_hatree(nx,x, eps=1e-1): h=x[1]-x[0] energy=np.sum(nx[None,:]*nx[:,None]*h**2/np.sqrt((x[None,:]-x[:,None])**2+eps)/2) potential=np.sum(nx[None,:]*h/np.sqrt((x[None,:]-x[:,None])**2+eps),axis=-1) return energy, potential
2.7 Solve the KS equation:Self-consistency loop
initialize the density (you can take an arbitrary constant)
Calculate the Exchange and Hatree potentials
Calculate the Hamiltonian
Calculate the wavefunctions and eigen values
If not converged, calculate the density and back to 1.
def print_log(i,log): print(f"step: {i:<5} energy: {log['energy'][-1]:<10.4f} energy_diff: {log['energy_diff'][-1]:.10f}") max_iter=1000 energy_tolerance=1e-5 log={"energy":[float("inf")], "energy_diff":[float("inf")]} nx=np.zeros(n_grid) for i in range(max_iter): ex_energy, ex_potential=get_exchange(nx,x) ha_energy, ha_potential=get_hatree(nx,x) # Hamiltonian H=-D2/2+np.diagflat(ex_potential+ha_potential+x*x) energy, psi= np.linalg.eigh(H) # log log["energy"].append(energy[0]) energy_diff=energy[0]-log["energy"][-2] log["energy_diff"].append(energy_diff) print_log(i,log) # convergence if abs(energy_diff) < energy_tolerance: print("converged!") break # update density nx=get_nx(num_electron,psi,x) else: print("not converged")
for i in range(5): plt.plot(x,psi[:,i], label=f"{energy[i]:.4f}") plt.legend(loc=1)
compare the density to free particles
plt.plot(nx) plt.plot(get_nx(num_electron,psi_harm,x), label="no-interaction") plt.legend()