PolarDB 开源数据库支持云原生存算分离分布式架构, 一份存储支持多个计算节点, 目前是一写多读的架构. 内核已经很强大了, 怎么实现业务透明的读写分离, 还缺一个连接池, pgcat是不错的选择.
pgcat支持连接池、sharding、读写负载均衡等, 更多功能请参考其官网 https://github.com/levkk/pgcat
docker exec -it 67e1eed1b4b6 bash
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/levkk/pgcat
cd pgcat/
cargo build --release
配置pgcat, 修改为PolarDB数据库连接串
vi pgcat.toml
# PgCat config example.
# General pooler settings
# What IP to run on, means accessible from everywhere.
host = ""
# Port to run on, same as PgBouncer used in this example.
port = 6432
# Whether to enable prometheus exporter or not.
enable_prometheus_exporter = true
# Port at which prometheus exporter listens on.
prometheus_exporter_port = 9930
# How long to wait before aborting a server connection (ms).
connect_timeout = 5000
# How much time to give the health check query to return with a result (ms).
healthcheck_timeout = 1000
# How long to keep connection available for immediate re-use, without running a healthcheck query on it
healthcheck_delay = 30000
# How much time to give clients during shutdown before forcibly killing client connections (ms).
shutdown_timeout = 60000
# For how long to ban a server if it fails a health check (seconds).
ban_time = 60 # seconds
# If we should log client connections
log_client_connections = false
# If we should log client disconnections
log_client_disconnections = false
# Reload config automatically if it changes.
autoreload = false
# tls_certificate = "server.cert"
# tls_private_key = "server.key"
# Credentials to access the virtual administrative database (pgbouncer or pgcat)
# Connecting to that database allows running commands like `SHOW POOLS`, `SHOW DATABASES`, etc..
admin_username = "admin_user"
admin_password = "admin_pass"
# pool
# configs are structured as pool.<pool_name>
# the pool_name is what clients use as database name when connecting
# For the example below a client can connect using "postgres://sharding_user:sharding_user@pgcat_host:pgcat_port/sharded_db"
# Pool mode (see PgBouncer docs for more).
# session: one server connection per connected client
# transaction: one server connection per client transaction
pool_mode = "transaction"
# If the client doesn't specify, route traffic to
# this role by default.
# any: round-robin between primary and replicas,
# replica: round-robin between replicas only without touching the primary,
# primary: all queries go to the primary unless otherwise specified.
default_role = "any"
# Query parser. If enabled, we'll attempt to parse
# every incoming query to determine if it's a read or a write.
# If it's a read query, we'll direct it to a replica. Otherwise, if it's a write,
# we'll direct it to the primary.
query_parser_enabled = true
# If the query parser is enabled and this setting is enabled, the primary will be part of the pool of databases used for
# load balancing of read queries. Otherwise, the primary will only be used for write
# queries. The primary can always be explicitly selected with our custom protocol.
primary_reads_enabled = true
# So what if you wanted to implement a different hashing function,
# or you've already built one and you want this pooler to use it?
# Current options:
# pg_bigint_hash: PARTITION BY HASH (Postgres hashing function)
# sha1: A hashing function based on SHA1
sharding_function = "pg_bigint_hash"
# Automatically parse this from queries and route queries to the right shard!
automatic_sharding_key = "id"
# Credentials for users that may connect to this cluster
username = "sharding_user"
password = "sharding_user"
# Maximum number of server connections that can be established for this user
# The maximum number of connection from a single Pgcat process to any database in the cluster
# is the sum of pool_size across all users.
pool_size = 9
# Maximum query duration. Dangerous, but protects against DBs that died in a non-obvious way.
statement_timeout = 0
username = "other_user"
password = "other_user"
pool_size = 21
statement_timeout = 15000
# Shard 0
# [ host, port, role ]
servers = [
[ "", 5432, "primary" ],
[ "localhost", 5433, "replica" ],
[ "localhost", 5434, "replica" ]
# Database name (e.g. "postgres")
database = "shard0"
servers = [
[ "", 5432, "primary" ],
[ "localhost", 5433, "replica" ],
[ "localhost", 5434, "replica" ]
database = "shard1"
servers = [
[ "", 5432, "primary" ],
[ "localhost", 5433, "replica" ],
[ "localhost", 5434, "replica" ]
database = "shard2"
pool_mode = "transaction"
default_role = "primary"
query_parser_enabled = true
primary_reads_enabled = true
sharding_function = "pg_bigint_hash"
username = "simple_user"
password = "simple_user"
pool_size = 5
statement_timeout = 0
servers = [
[ "", 5432, "primary" ],
[ "localhost", 5433, "replica" ],
[ "localhost", 5434, "replica" ]
database = "some_db"
直接连接polardb primary, 安装pgcat配置文件中设置的数据库、路由关系等.
psql -h -f tests/sharding/query_routing_setup.sql
[postgres@67e1eed1b4b6 pgcat]$ RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.12s
Running `target/release/pgcat`
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.280411Z INFO pgcat] Welcome to PgCat! Meow. (Version 0.6.0-alpha1)
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284527Z INFO pgcat] Running on
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284572Z INFO pgcat::config] Ban time: 60s
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284580Z INFO pgcat::config] Healthcheck timeout: 1000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284585Z INFO pgcat::config] Connection timeout: 5000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284590Z INFO pgcat::config] Log client connections: false
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284594Z INFO pgcat::config] Log client disconnections: false
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284599Z INFO pgcat::config] Shutdown timeout: 60000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284603Z INFO pgcat::config] Healthcheck delay: 30000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284608Z INFO pgcat::config] TLS support is disabled
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284613Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Maximum user connections: 30
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284618Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Pool mode: Transaction
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284624Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Connection timeout: 5000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284629Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Sharding function: pg_bigint_hash
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284634Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Primary reads: true
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284804Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Query router: true
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284879Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Number of shards: 3
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285156Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db] Number of users: 2
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285171Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db][user: sharding_user] Pool size: 9
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285204Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db][user: sharding_user] Statement timeout: 0
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285345Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db][user: other_user] Pool size: 21
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285353Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: sharded_db][user: other_user] Statement timeout: 15000
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285359Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Maximum user connections: 5
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285364Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Pool mode: Transaction
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285369Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Connection timeout: 5000ms
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285374Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Sharding function: pg_bigint_hash
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285379Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Primary reads: true
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285383Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Query router: true
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285388Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Number of shards: 1
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285392Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db] Number of users: 1
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285397Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db][user: simple_user] Pool size: 5
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285402Z INFO pgcat::config] [pool: simple_db][user: simple_user] Statement timeout: 0
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.284609Z INFO pgcat::prometheus] Exposing prometheus metrics on
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285516Z INFO pgcat::pool] [pool: sharded_db][user: sharding_user] creating new pool
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.285883Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 0, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.292142Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 1, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.316973Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 2, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.337804Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 3, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.342340Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 4, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.357989Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 5, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.369388Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 6, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.374910Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 7, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.394223Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 8, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "sharding_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.405927Z INFO pgcat::pool] [pool: sharded_db][user: other_user] creating new pool
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.406268Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 9, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.412445Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 10, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.417602Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 11, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 0, database: "shard0", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.422787Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 12, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.429330Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 13, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.438427Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 14, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 1, database: "shard1", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.445699Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 15, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.452223Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 16, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.458212Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 17, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 2, database: "shard2", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "other_user", pool_name: "sharded_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.464638Z INFO pgcat::pool] [pool: simple_db][user: simple_user] creating new pool
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.464848Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 18, host: "", port: 5432, shard: 0, database: "some_db", role: Primary, replica_number: 0, address_index: 0, username: "simple_user", pool_name: "simple_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.472276Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 19, host: "localhost", port: 5433, shard: 0, database: "some_db", role: Replica, replica_number: 0, address_index: 1, username: "simple_user", pool_name: "simple_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.484090Z INFO pgcat::pool] Creating a new server connection Address { id: 20, host: "localhost", port: 5434, shard: 0, database: "some_db", role: Replica, replica_number: 1, address_index: 2, username: "simple_user", pool_name: "simple_db" }
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.496559Z INFO pgcat] Config autoreloader: false
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.496816Z INFO pgcat] Waiting for clients
[2022-12-02T06:30:23.496611Z INFO pgcat::stats] Events reporter started
新开一个容器bash, 测试pgcat的连接
docker exec -it 67e1eed1b4b6 bash
[postgres@67e1eed1b4b6 pgcat]$ export PGPASSWORD=simple_user
[postgres@67e1eed1b4b6 pgcat]$ psql -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
psql (11.9)
Type "help" for help.
simple_db=> \q
pgbench -i -s 10 -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -c 4 -j 4 -T 120 -S -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
pgbench -M extended -n -r -P 1 -c 12 -j 12 -T 120 -S -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
progress: 1.0 s, 15276.8 tps, lat 0.782 ms stddev 0.388
progress: 2.0 s, 14739.9 tps, lat 0.814 ms stddev 0.417
progress: 3.0 s, 13652.3 tps, lat 0.879 ms stddev 0.483
progress: 4.0 s, 13377.7 tps, lat 0.897 ms stddev 0.483
pgbench -M extended -n -r -P 1 -c 120 -j 1200 -T 1200 -S -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
progress: 1.0 s, 14764.8 tps, lat 7.635 ms stddev 4.248
progress: 2.0 s, 15562.4 tps, lat 7.704 ms stddev 4.211
progress: 3.0 s, 15672.1 tps, lat 7.646 ms stddev 5.242
progress: 4.0 s, 16104.7 tps, lat 7.448 ms stddev 5.672
progress: 5.0 s, 15078.6 tps, lat 7.965 ms stddev 6.022
psql -h -p 6432 -U simple_user simple_db
psql (11.9)
Type "help" for help.
simple_db=> select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)
simple_db=> select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)
simple_db=> begin;
simple_db=> select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)
simple_db=> select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)
《如何用 PolarDB 证明巴菲特的投资理念 - 包括PolarDB简单部署》